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Strengthening the competitiveness of cocoa production and improving the income of cocoa producers in West and Central Africa

This study has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in close cooperation with the four West and Central African cocoa producing countries to get a deeper insight into the huge challenges cocoa production and cocoa producers face regarding their livelihoods. The paper aims at analysing the global cocoa market’s structure and pricing mechanisms as well as the sector policies of the eight most important cocoa producing countries (Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Indonesia, Ecuador, Nigeria, Cameroon, Brazil, Peru) to identify measures that strengthen sustainability of cocoa production and improve livelihoods of producers.

Article number: 2017-06
Year of publication: 2017
Number of pages: 156
Authors: Friedel Hütz-Adams (responsible), Claudia Huber, Irene Knoke, Dr. Pedro Morazán, Mara Mürlebach 
