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SDG impact measurement: miracle cure or window-dressing?

SDG impact measurement: miracle cure or window-dressing?

At mid-term only 12% of Sustainable Goals of the Agenda 2030 are on track. According to the United Nations, 2.5 trillion USD of private investments are needed per year to achieve the SDGs by 2030.

But how can investors channel financial flows towards the SDG goals? While the majority of publicly listed companies today use the SDGs for sustainability reporting, the data that they publish in this respect is not very transparent and barely comparable and Greenwashing (or SDG washing) is widespread.

Our SÜDWIND-research paper highlights the problems with current reporting and makes recommendations on which instruments and internationally recognized indicator sets investors can employ today. However, without a comprehensive inclusion of the SDGs in EU sustainable finance regulation and internationally binding reporting standards on the SDGs, targeted steering of large financial flows will not be achieved.

Artikelnummer: 2023-19
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
Umfang: 38 Seiten
Autor*innen: Ulrike Lohr


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Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Ulrike Lohr

T +49 (0)228-763 698-17

